If you met her, there was no doubt that you'd remember her! Those eyes that were bluer than blue, the perpetual smile and the calm voice - those were the first impressions. She would tell a story of one of her adventures, and always had the right amount of information to captivate her listener(s). She was so intelligent and well read, but she never boastfully shared information or made people feel a different point of view from her own was something they had to defend or 'prove'. She accepted everyone for who they were. I don't ever recall her being negative or judgmental. I loved being around her and with her. She helped me through every tough hike that our leader, Phil Betzel led me on when I was ready to give up. 'Keep a three point contact at all times' she'd advise me. When I made an achievement, she always had a congratulatory hug - 'You did it!' she'd say. I have shared a few photos in the Photo Gallery, but I have noticed that on most of my group photos, Chris has her arm around me or I around her. On a social note, we enjoyed dinners with Chris and Mike when we were able to fit them in while we were both in Green Valley. As I am a Canadian and she skied so much in the winter, that was sometimes difficult to fit in, but always fun; we had an opportunity to meet Tara and her family a couple of times, so were aware of how much her grand kids adored their "Honey". Just before we left Green Valley in March, more than a month early due to the Covid outbreak, I texted Chris to cancel a dinner plan to celebrate my husband Rick's birthday in early April. She was camping at Bog Springs with her grand kids, and was somewhat surprised that we were heading home because of a flu virus, but she said she had the news turned off and was having too much fun with the kids to pay attention. So when I told her that we had to head back to Canada, she said, 'really? OK - maybe I'll have to come and visit you in Canada'. Sadly, that isn't going to happen. I will never forget Chris and how she made me feel special and important to her. RIP, my friend. Scout those trails in the Next World, and give me your hand to make it across when my time comes. Much love Chris, Deb

This is the pile of elephant statues left at the top of Elephant Head. Leader Phil Betzel is second from left, deb's husband 3rd, Deb 5th, and Christi, as Phil's assistant, on the right.