Christi Heintz was a remarkable woman who was many things to many people (i.e., mom, wife, friend, colleague, confidant), to me she was a catalyst for honey bee research who helped launch my career as a honey bee researcher.
Christi’s enthusiasm, natural scientific curiosity, and her passion to find answers that would help the beekeeping industry were clear when I met her in 2008. Christi welcomed scientists into the ‘bee world’ and encouraged them to “jump in” with both feet. My specialty was viruses, so Christi made sure that I met leaders in the beekeeping and almond industries, so that I could get up to speed on beekeeping and bee biology (which I continue to learn about). She introduced me to many that work toward obtaining knowledge aimed at bettering honey bee health including, Danielle Downey, Reed Johnson, Bret Adee, Pat Heitkam, Gordon Wardell, David Mendes, Jacki Park Burris, Steve Park, and so many other scientists and beekeepers. She was an advocate for education and supported student fellowships in honey bee research. Her legacy will live on with her biological family, and her extended family in the bee world and beyond. I want to close by expressing my sympathy to all who loved her, take care and hope that you are comforted by your memories.
Michelle Flenniken, Bozeman MT

Christi's passing is terrible news. She was a catalyst for bee research! Her absence leaves a huge hole in the bee research community.